By Chong Jia Ni

Poster of General Literature Competition. Source by 10th USM Chinese Literary Competition
Main Campus, 6 April - Universiti Sains Malaysia Tionghua Language Society (PBT USM) Editorial Team conducted a pre-activity of the General Literature Competition from 3 April 2024 until 5 April 2024 via Quizizz to promote the 10th USM Chinese Literary Competition.
This competition included three categories: fiction, poetry, and prose. Participants were required to answer 20 questions of each category for three days.
The number of points accumulated by each participant over the three days of answering will be the basis for determining the winner. The five participants with the highest scores will be the winners and get the cash reward.
According to the team leader of the Activity Team, Thum How Yi, the person in charge of the General Literature Competition, she said this competition aimed to explore the interest of university students and high school students in literature and raise students' awareness about Chinese literature.
“This online literary competition provided a platform for the students to test their knowledge of literature. The questions involved ancient literature, modern literature, Malaysian literature and general knowledge of basic literature,” she said.
Thum added that she faced a challenge while using the online platform. A participant used a fake account to log in to Quizizz to try answering the questions, then changed to the registered account and answered the quiz again.
“General Literature Competition proposed that fairness, equity and openness, if anyone cheating or using bug will be disqualified. Hope that this problem can be avoid for next time,” Thum said.
A participant, Kho Zhi Lin, Biological Sciences 2, said it was worth joining this competition because she would not have been exposed to the literacy works in her daily life.
“Although it is just a general knowledge questions about literature, but I almost cannot answer the question with confidence as I did not learn it in my academic before,” Kho said.
She said that she appreciated the organiser for providing the answers with the references so she could learn more about the literary content and increase her understanding of literature.